Tag Archives: #transformation

by in Leadership

The Great Change Expectation | White Paper

In the last two years, the world of work has been shaken by the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic. The majority of organisations operating as knowledge workers saw their entire organisations shift to a virtual environment, while grappling with how to stay socially connected, informed, and engaged. The virtual way of working undoubtedly created advantages, such as giving people […]

by in Change, Leadership, Tips

Transformational Change: Enlisting Others to Co-Create the Future

In my first blog, I introduced the idea that if organisations are seeking transformational change, they must address organisational culture in order to enable this transformation. Change, despite many of the horror stories we hear, can be more energising, humane, and fun. I introduced 7 key attributes that must be part of your transformational change […]

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    +61 431 847 327

