Bespoke OD Programs

Our work is highly bespoke based on our clients’ context and needs. We take confidentiality seriously and do not publish case studies or name our clients for this reason, as many of the reasons for change are often sensitive. Below are some sample scenarios based on a composite of programs we’ve worked on in the past.

​We design processes and programs that help meet various needs – how to navigate transformational change, how to build healthier models of leadership, how to proactively shift culture as a competitive advantage – these tend to be the major themes. The design of our programs is informed by the latest research and thought leadership from various fields including complexity science, adult learning, behavioural science, systems thinking, motivational theory, coaching, psychology, ecology, wisdom traditions, and the healing arts.

  1. 1
    Navigating Transformational Change

    Common Scenario

    Executive leaders are thinking strategically about the future and realise their current way of operating will not be sustainable, for a number of reasons (e.g. anticipated growth or shrinkage, digitisation, changing customer needs, climate change, demographic shifts, changing political or regulatory environment, etc.) They are not sure what needs to change or how to change, so they engage Humans Who Lead as a process facilitator to guide them through a complex transformational change process. Leveraging the Transformational Change Loops model, we facilitate and guide the Executive team and organisation through a process of change.

    Common Outcomes:

    • Appreciation for organisational legacy, building on what is good
    • Dialogue that results in sense making to create a clear narrative for change
    • More informed internal change practitioners who apply change practices through a lens of complexity and systems thinking
    • High levels of engagement and co-creation at all levels of the organisation
    • A sense of community and cohesion that creates resilience through the process
    • Increased OD capability through OD team mentorship and advisory in the ongoing change process

    Contact us to learn more

  2. 2
    Building Healthier Models of Leadership

    Two Common Scenarios

    1 – With the proliferation of knowledge, information, and technology, no leader can know it all or do it all alone anymore – complexity abounds. Gone are the days of heroic leadership, and organisations are recognising this – probably because leaders are feeling the pain of overwhelm, stress and not enough hours in the day to get everything done. The leadership hierarchy is starting to become a hindrance to decision making, innovation, and better customer outcomes.

    2 – A new leader comes on board to a new team that needs to take the time to get to know each other or to an existing team where unhealthy behaviours and dynamics have set in that need to be addressed (e.g. bullying, cronyism, marginalisation, power dynamics, etc.)

    Both scenarios result in the organisation wanting to discover new models of leadership (e.g. adaptive, transformational, shared, integral leadership, holocracy, teal organisations, etc.) Whatever name or brand it falls under, it needs to stick. The executive team or internal People and Change team engage Humans Who Lead to facilitate a process of identifying and enabling a shift to a different type of leadership model or culture. Leveraging the Transformational Change Loops model, Humans Who Lead facilitates the process of co-creating a bespoke leadership model that is fit for purpose to the organisation and can be integrated into the structures and processes of the organisation. We then begin the hard work of practicing and embedding new leadership roles and behaviours.

    Common Outcomes:

    • Strengthened and cohesive leadership teams with more self-awareness, trust, and mutual understanding; reduced conflict
    • Breaking down of siloes and more collaborative dialogue
    • A clear articulation of leadership style and behaviours that align with the organisation’s values
    • Natural attrition of poor performers who voluntarily leave as a result of honest and humane conversations
    • A defined leadership development path or program that emphasises vertical development
    • 1:1 or team coaching to sustain change

    Contact us to learn more

  3. 3
    Evolving the Corporate Culture

    Common Scenario

    This organisation is a culture where people are polite and respectful to one another, especially in meetings. So much so that what often happens is that people won’t share what they are actually thinking and feeling. This creates an unintentional consequence where true thoughts are often expressed after meetings, around the “water cooler”, and in smaller groups or coalitions. There are significant implications to this way of operating, as it leads to slowed progress, undermining, competing agendas, duplication of efforts, and at its worst, failed projects and poor results.

    Organisational Culture can be a competitive advantage or a liability. Most cultures don’t start out as a liability but evolve over time to allow for behaviours that aren’t fit for purpose to the strategy of the organisation. This mismatch is why organisations needs to be proactive in identifying and shaping their culture. Most organisations today are crafting cultures that include attributes such as trust, vulnerability, empathy, empowerment, collaboration, or candor.

    The Executive Team or People and Change team engage Humans Who Lead to facilitate a discovery process, leveraging the Transformational Change Loops model, to identify what must be preserved in the culture and how it needs to evolve. We then identify micro-behaviours and skills that can support this shift incrementally, day by day, to build people’s confidence and momentum in change.

    Common Outcomes:

    • Shared understanding of current and desired cultural attributes
    • Clear narrative around why the culture needs to change and how this supports the organisation’s strategy
    • Clear identification of micro skills and behaviours that support culture shift
    • A defined leadership development path or program that supports knowledge and practicing of micro-skills and behaviours; coaching support to sustain the change
    • Identified ways of measuring the culture change in a meaningful way
    • Integration of cultural attributes into all parts of the employee lifecycle, especially informing recruitment processes and talent management

    Contact us to learn more

The future of work relies on our ability to be more human. Join the movement and help us create more sustainable change in the world.

    HwL is a Leadership Development platform and community dedicated to expanding the idea of leadership and helping people grow into the type of leaders they authentically aspire to be, based on the philosophy of Humanistic Leadership.


    Sydney, Australia


    +61 431 847 327